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Team Interview: Chloe Moriarty

December 8th, 2023

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m Chloe, a second year Geography undergraduate at University of Exeter. I am currently studying in Cornwall, but my home is a lot further away in Hertfordshire. I love studying the environment, but I’m also very passionate about languages and actively learn Spanish and Swedish. In my spare time I run the Exeter on Ecosia campaign, a campaign to get our university to switch its default browser to Ecosia, and volunteer weekly at the campus conservation sessions. I love hiking, being in the outdoors, and spending time with my dog.

What do you do with Another Way?
A bit of everything! I work on the development of Power of Ten web app, completing fact-checking, resource creation, proofreading, and school outreach. I also manage a lot of spreadsheets that help to streamline our work processes. I’m happy to do whatever is necessary in order to support the launch of the app.

What do you most enjoy about working with Another Way?
I love the flexibility it offers me in the tasks I get to complete, but above all I love being able to work as a part of a greater movement to inspire the next generation. When I was growing up I was inspired by the work and communications of David Attenborough, and it’s amazing to be offered the chance to use this passion to create our own science-backed resources to support young people (and everyone!) to achieve a sustainable future.

Which environmental topics are you most excited about?
It’s hard to pinpoint a few, but right now my main passions are environmental justice, communications, and sustainable development. I love the idea of creating a regenerative future that reflects the needs of current and future generations, centred on a circular economy. I’m particularly interested in how to create greener cities, as I grew up in an area heavily connected to London. I wouldn’t turn down the chance to work on a nature documentary though!

What are some small steps you take to create a more sustainable lifestyle for yourself?
I try to focus a lot on consumerism – I actively work to consider whether I need an item before I buy it and try to buy second-hand as much as possible. I mend my clothes and my family’s; even my dog’s toys get mended! I’m obviously also a big advocate for Ecosia, the sustainable search engine. Switching to Ecosia from Google is probably one of the quickest (and cheapest) steps you can take towards a more sustainable life.

Leave us with a piece of positive news you’ve heard about this week!
The EU has recently taken steps to stop the export of waste to non-OECD countries, which is an amazing move to help increase accountability for our waste and eliminate the expectation that other countries will deal with the effects of our overconsumption. There’s still a long way to go to achieve environmental justice, but this is a great step in the right direction.