Buy a hand-crafted ceramic daffodil from the Ten Thousand Daffodils installation

30 Steps to Another Way

Start your 30 Step Journey today!

In order for the UK to be a climate neutral country, and indeed the world, we must all change our habits significantly. Living a sustainable and ethical lifestyle can seem overwhelming and challenging, so we have put together some advice in 30 steps to finding Another Way. Through videos, audits, photos, detailed advice and checklists, we will help guide you through the journey to becoming an Another Way Home and joining the community of people living with compassion towards our planet.


I’ve achieved the 30 Steps to Another Way!

Completed the checklists? Congratulations! Contact us and we will email you a certificate


With around 1 million plastic toothbrushes being discarded in landfill or the environment every year in the US alone, the bathroom is a good place to start in reducing your use of single-use plastics and unfriendly chemicals.


Our food and drink contributes to 25% of a household's carbon footprint. Let's change that.


Energy use, cleaning and appliances will all be covered in this essential category.


Flying off to a holiday destination every year may seem normal, but it costs Earth. How can we have fun whilst living in harmony with nature?

Day to day

Our everyday actions can all accumulate to have a significant effect on our carbon footprint. How do you get to work? What do you take for lunch? What clothes do you wear?


Now you have thought about your own lifestyle, it's time to spread the word! Influence comes in many different forms- choose the right one for you.

Another Way News

Power of 10 in schools

Marley, one of our senior Power of 10 Ambassadors, gave a talk in a local primary school using our resources. On Wednesday 10th July, I headed to St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School based in Windermere. My aim was to teach the students from year 3 to… Read more »

Tree Health Survey for Big Green Week

“Trees are our friends.” The day started with talks in James and Helen’s barn, on the importance of trees to us and our planet, and of citizen science. The children, pupils from Patterdale primary school, participated eagerly, keen to share their ideas on why trees… Read more »