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Big Green Give: matched funding!

April 10th, 2024

Sponsor and take part in fundraising activities tennis, fell walks, cake sales, swim, quiz, history, yoga to help Another Way reach it’s £20,000 target!

Double your donation to Another Way in the Big Give’s Green Match Fund campaign in April. We are taking part in the Big Give Green Match Fund to raise £20,000 in just 1 week. These funds will be used to build and expand on our Power of 10 app, a digital community for young changemakers.

On meeting the target during the week of 18-25th April, donations to Another Way will be generously matched by The Reed Foundation and Gower Street doubling funds raised to £40,000.

Donations must be made during these dates and made via Another Way’s page on the Big Give Green Match Fund website. From local fundraising events and corporate partnerships, Another Way has lots in store to raise the funds.

Amy commented: “Another Way’s Power of 10 app is already proving popular with young people from across Cumbria. Over 250 secondary school age children are part of a closed test platform that allows them to connect with other children who are passionate about protecting the environment. The app provides information and content on how to take climate action and move towards a more sustainable lifestyle. We are working hard to expand the Power of 10 app by providing more content and scaling the platform to make it available to all young people across the country and wider. The result will be the largest ever community of young people taking grassroots climate action. The funds we raise from the Big Give Green Match Fund campaign will provide a significant leap to our goal.”

To support the fundraising Another Way is holding a raft of local fundraising events for everyone to support and join, including:

  • Friday 12th April, 9-10.30am – yoga with Jane Shaw, Watermillock Village Hall
  • Saturday 13th April, 2-4pm – tennis tournament at Patterdale Tennis Club
  • Wednesday 17th April 10am or 2pm – a guided walk tracing the footsteps of J M W Turner, Vale of Patterdale
  • Thursday 18th April, 9-11am – the big plastic free breakfast Watermillock Village Hall
  • Saturday 20th April, all day – cake sale, Another Weigh shop, Penrith
  • Sunday 21st April, 6.45pm – the Big Green Give Quiz, The Royal Hotel, Dockray
  • Monday 22nd April, 9.30am – sponsored swim, Glencoyne Bay, Ullswater
  • Tuesday 23rd April, all day – sponsored team summit of Everest (or its equivalent height!) via Little Mell
  • School fundraising initiatives – school fundraising projects are also welcome with projects planned at Trinity School in Carlisle and Keswick School


How can I get involved?

  • Visit Another Way’s Big Give page at and donate from Thursday 18th April – Thursday April 25th
  • Set a reminder in your calendar and add Another Way’s campaign link to it so you don’t miss your chance to double your donation
  • Join one of Another Way’s fundraising events by emailing
  • Become an Another Way corporate partner and make your first donation part of Another Way’s Big Give Green Match Fund campaign by contacting