Buy a hand-crafted ceramic daffodil from the Ten Thousand Daffodils installation

Team Interview: Holly Benyon-Bell

October 20th, 2023

What do you do with Another Way?

I am in charge of developing and delivering the Power Of Ten network. This includes developing our suite of resources and social media posts with the help of our wonderful volunteers and liaising with schools and students to deliver focus groups and help inform the development of these resources. Most recently we have been working in collaboration with Etch – our digital consultant – to develop our digital space where The Power Of Ten will come alive.

What do you most enjoy about working with Another Way?

I love how everybody is so incredibly passionate about what we do.  We all have hope for the future and determination about spreading that hope – it makes me feel as though we are making great waves and that because of our work will help to inspire others to live with a better future in mind. I love that there is no idea too bold. We are encouraged to think big and act big.

Tell us a bit about yourself!

I currently live in Panama as my husband and I working abroad with our two young kids for a year. I also do volunteer work on the side, for example volunteering here with the local turtle conservation charity and coral reef restoration project, plus heading up our parents’ eco group at the local school. I love to bring creativity to everything and am always looking for ways to teach my kids about the environment and sustainability through arts and crafts. I love all animals, but mainly elephants, turtles and cats; I manage to befriend cats anywhere I go!

Which environmental topics are you most excited about?

I am interested in all aspects of the environment but I get particularly excited when I hear of new, innovative ways to solve some of our big problems. It gives me a sense that we are capable of solving our problems with ingenuity and creative outside-the-box thinking.

What are some small steps you take to create a more sustainable lifestyle for yourself?

I make sure that my kids know about the values of a finite world and that there are consequences for anything that we do. We are all vegetarian and regularly talk about why. My son is a keen litter picker and always finds bits of rubbish on the beach and helps clean it up. We used reusable nappies and wipes and try to avoid plastics, shopping at the one and only refillery shop here on the island. I am also trying to spread these little behaviours on to friends, people that I meet, and anyone who will listen really!

Leave us with a piece of positive news you’ve heard about this week!

NASA has been looking at alternatives to lithium-based batteries and have announced a new type of battery for electric cars, which can more than double a car’s energy capacity while reducing its weight by up to 30%! A very positive step forward in the electric car revolution…

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