On average, workers spend around 30% of their time each week managing and finding paper documents. This is not only wasted time but also wasted money. Transitioning towards a paperless system will not only increase office productivity but also improve customer service and significantly reduce… Read more »
Together, food, drink and waste equate to 25% of our carbon footprint, so ensuring that you as a business reduce your consumption and waste is such an important step in reducing your carbon footprint. Ensure the business has proper waste facilities including general waste, recycling… Read more »
Use a sustainable energy provider – the top 5 Renewable Energy Companies as of January 2019 according to ‘Conscious Creatives’ are: Ecotricity (100% renewable energy & frack-free gas), Octopus (100% renewable energy company that invests back into sustainable technology), Tonik Energy (100% renewable energy and… Read more »
Green power sources are more accessible than ever, making it increasingly easy for a business of any size to make this switch. Almost every electricity supplier offers green energy plans which are priced very competitively compared to traditional electricity plans powered by coal or natural… Read more »
The kitchen is a massive contributor to our carbon footprint; the food we eat, all the waste produced, and the amount of single use plastic packaging are all problems associated with staff kitchens. There are lots of little steps that can be taken in the… Read more »
Install automatic sensors on taps in the toilets to ensure that water only flows when needed and taps cannot be accidentally left on Install efficient toilet flushes which use less water such as a 2-button flush system (it has a smaller button to use less… Read more »
The value of green spaces to people and the environment is undeniable. Even if an outdoor green space is not possible, having living plants within an office environment can provide ‘natural screens’ between desks whilst improving air quality and reducing stress levels. As a result,… Read more »