Buy a hand-crafted ceramic daffodil from the Ten Thousand Daffodils installation


An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory (Emerson)

Here at Another Way, outreach is central to helping people live more sustainably. Through science-backed talks, awareness sessions, newsletters, social media and film, we present the state of our natural world and give people ideas for how they can make positive change. We believe that personal engagement is the best way to help you change your lifestyle.

This is our ocean conservation project, focusing on educating individuals about the threats facing our seas and how we can change our habits to mitigate them. Another Way volunteers deliver awareness and activity sessions, talks and speeches in community groups, schools and businesses.

These can be tailored for everyone – from 5 to 95 and to your requirements and are a great way of learning how you can help our oceans. To date, we have directly educated over 4000 people and collected over 2000 pledges to the ocean from this campaign. Devotion to Ocean also provides advice on living a more sustainable and waste- free ocean-friendly life.

Another Way aims to give people both the reason and the ability to change their lives to improve the sustainability of our lifestyles and so education is at the forefront of what we do. From general talks on climate change, plastic pollution and ecological breakdown, to activity sessions on reducing your environmental footprint, Another Way delivers education to anyone who is ready to be inspired to change.

Sessions are led by our enthusiastic volunteers and can be full of games, interactive talks, presentations or thought-provoking activities. All the resources we use and provide are based on scientific-backed evidence.

Please contact us to organise a tailored session to your group, school or business. If you are interested in helping us give talks across the UK then please let us know.

Book a talk with us!

Follow us on social media to learn more.

We are currently making our Power of Ten film to be shown in classrooms, village halls, conference rooms and on sofas across the country- stay tuned!

Another Way

Did you know?

By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the seas.

Another Way

People Power

If we all make just one uniting positive change, we can move mountains.

Another Way

Our Vision

A united world in which communities are inspired to live sustainably.

Another Way News

School Fundraisers

Over the Big Give week, three schools took on the challenge of raising money for Power of 10. Inspired by our festival, Trinity School ran a clothes swap event using our how-to guides, as well as a cake sale, and distributed the fast fashion Power… Read more »

Everest Walk

As part of the Big Give, a team of volunteers from Cumbria decided to take on a serious challenge – summit the equivalent height of Mount Everest by climbing Little Mell Fell 65 times! Starting at the Another Way pop-up basecamp, the team did relays… Read more »