Buy a hand-crafted ceramic daffodil from the Ten Thousand Daffodils installation

Tree Health Survey for Big Green Week

The day started with talks in James and Helen’s barn, on the importance of trees to us and our planet, and of citizen science. The children, pupils from Patterdale primary school, participated eagerly, keen to share their ideas on why trees are important to young people and why they love them. That they’re great for climbing in unsurprisingly came up several times and one eight-year-old already knew about mycorrhizal networks!

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X Trillion film screening for the Great Big Green Week

An X Trillion film screening was organised for the Great Big Green Week by Penrith Extinction Rebellion, with funding from Zero Carbon Cumbria. The film follows an all-woman sailing boat expedition to the “Great Pacific garbage patch” in the North Pacific gyre, to sample micro and macro plastics. The women onboard were from a variety of different sectors;=: sailors, product designers, scientists, illustrators…

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Power of 10 film

The Power of 10 film tells the story of how Another Way’s movement grew from the passion of our founder Amy to a community of people taking action for our planet. Prepare to be inspired by Amy’s story and to learn about what you can do to be part of the Power of 10 movement.

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Eco-anxiety: Another Way’s support initiatives

Another Way will launch its eco-anxiety workshop at Exeter University’s Climate Week at the end of September. Amy and others in the AW team will host the workshop, using resources created as part of Another Way’s eco-anxiety toolkit. Our resources and activities focus on catalysing despair into active hope, through imagining a future and wayfinding your unique role in the climate movement. Look out for the eco-anxiety toolkit, which will be launched on our Power of Ten app later this year.

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Join the Another Way Community

Membership is open to all! We are a diverse community, united by our desire to live sustainably and show kindness towards our planet.

By becoming a member, you will: Support Amy’s campaigning work, Enable our environmental action and empower young people through the Power of Ten programme

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30 Steps to Another Way

Living more sustainably is a key contribution we all can make to protecting our environment and the world we live in. We have created a whole raft of ideas to help you on your journey to a more sustainable lifestyle so please READ MORE to find out what you can do

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Let’s Fix Our Future: Together we can Solve the Crisis of our Planet’s Health

Another Way helps people to live in a more environmentally friendly way. There are easy steps we can all take, each at our own pace, to help create a world in which individuals and communities are inspired and empowered to live more kindly towards our planet.

If one person spread a message to ten people on one day, and the next day those ten people told ten more each, then in only ten days, the whole world would have been educated. The work of Another Way centres around this belief; that one individual has the power to catalyse change and that each one of us can change our habits right now, without waiting for anyone else. If all eight billion of us made one difference, imagine how many problems could be solved.

You can make a difference. You have the power to find Another Way.

Another Way

Did you know?

By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the seas.

Another Way

People Power

If we all make just one uniting positive change, we can move mountains.

Another Way

Our Vision

A united world in which communities are inspired to live sustainably.

“The world’s alarm bell is ringing. We have no time to wait for anyone else to change. The time is now, and it starts with every single one of us. I want to empower everyone to make a difference.”

Read about the story of Another Way from our Founder Amy Bray, whose passion for our beautiful planet inspired this charity.

Make a change

Find out some simple steps to get you started on the path to living sustainably.

Make a change

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Our network is committed to protecting our planet. Join us!

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Another Way News

2024-27 strategy

We are really excited to announce our new 3 year Strategy for Another Way. While we have had some great regional impact over our history, our sights are now set high on making a national difference. Read our graphic to see a summary of what… Read more »

Sustainable living tip: upcycling clothes

Next time those jeans get pesky holes in them, think twice before throwing them away. Producing clothes has a huge carbon and water footprint, and so it is important that we make the clothes we own last as long as possible. The good news is,… Read more »