Buy a hand-crafted ceramic daffodil from the Ten Thousand Daffodils installation

Become an Ambassador

Power of Ten is run by children for children and it’s free!

The Power of Ten programme is for young people in schools, communities and universities who care about our environment and are making change or would like to know how. Campaigners can share ideas, advice and experience and meet like minded, passionate people as well as access our extensive range of resources covering events, fundraising, assembly scripts, lesson plans and much more.

There are many schools trying to decrease their plastic use or planting trees, or individuals who have started campaigns, grown allotments or orchards or achieved other amazing things. This programme enables those to share their knowledge to create a network of schools and people striving for change and for good. We can empower and inspire each other, share resources, run events, and support each other as we try to find Another Way to live.

Being a Power of Ten ambassador is being part of a community aspiring to inspire compassion and sustainability and to embody Another Way’s values and beliefs that every individual can change the world, starting with themselves. It also revolves around our ten to the power of ten message: if one person was to spread a message to ten people in one day and the next day those ten people each told ten more, it would only take ten days for the whole world to have been inspired.

Amy says, ‘When I first started campaigning in my school to get rid of single use plastics, I felt completely overwhelmed and isolated. There were few other students at school who listened to me and even fewer who cared enough to change their own habits. Most of my teachers didn’t really help me, though they supported what I was doing in words. I didn’t know anyone else who was campaigning about environmental issues and I felt completely alone.

Now, so much has changed. Since delivering my awareness sessions and talks to schools all around my own county and beyond, I have been able to recognise that in every school in every town in every county in every country there are other people like me who are making change, or who feel passionate about caring for our environment. Since founding Another Way and running events, I have been able to talk to hundreds of other people working to protect our planet and I have worked with so many organisations achieving great things.

This made me think about creating a platform for young activists and conservationists to communicate and help each other. It is really important to me that this is made by young people for young people, as we can understand each other best! Many of the resources on the programme are created by myself from my own experience and I have had the help of teachers and other students in making it the best and most useful it can be. There is no specific structure or scheme, it is simply a bank of ideas and resources to give you some inspiration along your own journey and to show you that you are not alone. So if you are passionate about protecting our planet, welcome to the Another Way Power of Ten community!’

For Teachers and Parents

This programme is complementary to the school curriculum and encourages pupils to develop their interest in the environment, to learn about the world around us, to interact with others, to lead and innovate, to be confident and ambitious. It helps to develop empathy and shared values and a team ethic over and above self-interest. It partners with multiple charitable and environmental organisations embodying the same underlying principles.

We seek a united bond with teachers and parents in helping students discover more about themselves and our environment at an early stage so they can be confident to forge their own path true to their personal values. We would also welcome your considered support in any projects ambassadors may undertake.

All resources are carefully checked and considered prior to release and the forums are moderated and open to all teachers who register.

Together, we can:

– Make change in our communities
– Talk to like-minded passionate people
– Share ideas, experiences, advice and successes
– Be part of a community of change
– Feel empowered by others

Another Way News

Power of 10 in schools

Marley, one of our senior Power of 10 Ambassadors, gave a talk in a local primary school using our resources. On Wednesday 10th July, I headed to St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School based in Windermere. My aim was to teach the students from year 3 to… Read more »

Tree Health Survey for Big Green Week

“Trees are our friends.” The day started with talks in James and Helen’s barn, on the importance of trees to us and our planet, and of citizen science. The children, pupils from Patterdale primary school, participated eagerly, keen to share their ideas on why trees… Read more »